Sunday 24 July 2011

Attempt to map the grounds

Following a site visit with members of the NSA on 23/7/11, I thought I should try to document the walk we were taken on by Nigel by means of some photos and a map hastily drawn from memory. I imagined proposals for the exhibition may make more sense if the areas in which artworks might be sited can be given a name.

The Kestle Barton buildings are approached from the road and car park on the right side of the map. There are five fields, as well as woodlands and a garden area. The meadow (first below) is sown with wild flowers.

The orchard (next below) is planted with around 120 young trees - most are varieties of apple.

The other fields are approached behind the main building complex via a gate

The 'cattle field' beyond the gate is rented to a local farmer.

In the valley beyond, below the 'chestnut field', is a stream and a path leading via a stile into the woodland


A path through the wood leads out and back to Kestle Barton via a public footpath.